Ok, it's crunch time. T minus two weeks until Moving Day, and I decided to throw all caution to the wind today and start packing up what remains in the house.
(See, we've already packed and stored everything with had in our house that made it look cluttered [we're trying to sell here, folks], which was basically 95% of the house. But I'm pretty sure the remaining 5% has, against all physical possibilities, increased to a solid 80% at this point. You know what I'm talking about. In any move there's the minimum of 10 boxes that you'll be packing up as the moving van is pulling out of the driveway and that you'll, in your weariness and distress, simply label "c-r-a-p.")
Anyway, a neighbor told me about an outlet store in town that offers the moving box trifecta:
1) Wide boxes
2) Clean boxes
3) Boxes with handles
That's right. You heard me. And when I went to pick them up this afternoon, I nearly tee-teed in my finest Old Navy shorts when I saw that they had put back nearly 20 of these pristine boxes for me. And actually, my neighbor had only told me about the clean and wide part, so seeing those handles, totally unprepared, was almost too much for me.
Ok, maybe you think I'm making a big deal over this, but I can't stress to you how unfun it is to tote your baby in and out of every major store in town begging for boxes. Thanks to Doris and Regina at Burke's Outlet, I'm living the moving dream. Truly, I was so overwhelmed that my box quest had come to an end at the hands of these two women that I told them I'd say a special prayer for just for them, they had blessed me so much. I'm pretty sure they thought I was crazy, but that's ok.
Jesse, you'd better believe I will be breaking down these boxes post-move and putting them in a safe deposit box. I told Jim today, "These boxes are here to stay. For the future. Forever..." Oh, and Jesse, please tell your U-Haul boxes I said "hello." It's been a long time.
HA!! I am so freaking tickled right now. Sadly, I threw away most of my boxes when I moved into my condo in New Orleans (wrongly assuming I'd actually grow roots for a change) and had to replenish my stock. But don't you think for a hot second that I don't still have the original boxes (and any inserts for things such as glassware) for items purchased as far back as 2001 when I made my first solo move to Starkvegas. If you made a tiny deposit of pee into those Old Navy's, I fully understand! :)