Thursday, February 24, 2011

For the birds

Sometimes life gets a little crazy, and you realize that those best laid plans of mice and men are better left to the mice. They undoubtedly have better luck than I. (Just ask my pal, Sarah, who has one in her home that successfully defaced a Baby Einstein toy.)

2010 was a humdinger, to put it nicely, and now we've found ourselves back "home" in the town we left just 8 months ago. In 2010 we made a lot of plans...I mean, a lot. None of them worked out just as we'd hoped, but thankfully (and as always) they worked as just as He had.

So 2011 should be full of lots of fun things--buying another house (we hope), moving a few more boxes in the process, potty training, etc. etc. And, as always, there will be some arts and craps along the way.

Right now, thanks to my friend Kathleen who always introduces me to new sewing techniques, I'm hand quilting a blanket for Annie. (Positive note: Being a bedridden shut-in is the perfect opportunity for hand sewing! Yea!) I'll snap some pics soon. I'm currenly very proud of the callous on my finger that means repetetive, very purposeful sewing has been occuring around here.

We're heading to the store today for some ribbon for my first ever pillowcase-style dress, and I took a gander at the crap store's flyer to check on some deals. And since I love sharing odd  pictures, I was thrilled to discover this:

At first I thought, "Wow, they've actually put a picture of a woman using a nursing cover on the front of a sales flyer. Way to promote breastfeeding, nationally recognized craft and fabric store!" Then I realized, no, it's just a very strange women draping a very unattractive quilt across her person. She's not curled up on the couch...just kind of standing there, clutching her bird quilt for dear life, but nonetheless trying to smile though her pain.

Perhaps 2010 was a little rough on her too.


  1. At first glance, I thought they'd created a quilted snuggie. I like the color choice of her sweater which almost gives the illusion that she's nude.

  2. There's another crap project for you, quilted Hooter Hiders.

  3. In 2010 we made a lot of plans...I mean, a lot. None of them worked out just as we'd hoped, but thankfully (and as always) they worked as just as He had.

    Well said. :)

  4. Oh, for the record, I'm not currently bedridden...unless you thinking so will mean that you'll all bring me pies. :)

