Tuesday, February 16, 2010


You know, I may as well post a picture of myself sans my Mary Kay concealer or of the overflowing baskets of laundry cluttering my floor. Both would be just about as painful to share with the public eye.

So there you have it, World. The reason why I now remember why I can't act (or be) sick. Because when that happens, this happens. Palmolive take me away....


  1. As soon as I think I'm on the up and up, I head down and down. Luckily I have no energy to do all of the housework that needs to be done, so I get the treat of working on some embroidery projects. That's worth something, right?

  2. I finally got around to doing my dishes too. It took 45 minutes. Aren't you glad you have a dishwasher?
